A Familiar Problem: Sprinkle’s Incredible Journey!


No combat mechanics. Some checks in escape scenarios.

Recurring Themes:

  • Sentient Animals: Cartoonish protagonists are a weasel, blink dog, crab, octopus, and a pseudo-dragon. Many other animals are part of the story. Things like poop and slobber are also brought up.
  • Real owl: A live owl is brought on set at Twitch 3h 22m and hangs out as a co-GM.
  • Cartoonish harm to animals: In the story animals get roughed up in many ways they easily recover from. No real animals are harmed.
  • Smoking: A protagonist character smokes the whole time. Another character tries smoking from them.
  • Vomiting: Many instances of characters vomiting, many with sounds, and some discussion.



  • Dead pet: Marisha dedicates the game to her bird Dagon.

Part 1:


  • Cartoonish harm to animals: Sprinkle the weasel's eventful and traumatizing first 48 hours with The Mighty Nein are described. Sprinkle's magical healing abilities are discussed, as well as his battered appearance.
  • Alcohol: Very drunk men stumbling along.
  • Jump Scare: a toy suddenly moves in a way that startles everyone. With yelling.
  • Stabbing in the groin: a character stabs someone in the groin.
  • Failed rescue: Leaving others behind after trying to rescue them.

Sound effects:

  • Yelling: at a jump scare.


  • None

Part 2:


  • Smoking: A character tries smoking for the first time.
  • Eating a poisonous mushroom: A character eats a mushroom that's poisonous. They vomit. It's also mildly psychedelic.
  • Swallowing vomit: A character throws up in their mouth and swallows it again. It's briefly discussed.
  • Cartoonish drowning: A character falls in a river and over a waterfall. May have temporarily died.
  • Cartoonish traumatic reaction to death: having a breakdown with comic tones.
  • Jellyfish/Portuguese man-o-war: A character is terribly stung.
  • Cartoonishly restraints in a breakdown: A character having a breakdown is restrained by multiple people.
  • Cartoonish loss of limb: a character who knows their arm will regrow tears it off.
  • Fear of birds: A player calmly but nervously discovers a fear of birds.
  • Cartoonishly cauterizing a wound: A character comically cauterizes a wound.

Detailed descriptions:

  • Gore: description of deadly wounds.


  • Sleep deprivation/insomnia: A character discusses being extremely sleep deprived and unable to sleep.
  • Separating siblings: Whether to separate young siblings is discussed, mostly in a joking tone.


  • Sentient bugs: Already bound up, and immediately eaten.
  • Private prisons: Subtle joke about private incarceration facilities/prisons being a terrible concept.

Visual appearances:

  • Artistic nudity: On tarot cards used as props.

Sound effects:

  • Warning: Description