Campaign 3, E7: “Behind the Curtain”


  1. Twitch: 2:40:46 to 3:36:11, YouTube: 2:25:52 to 3:21:16

Recurring Themes:

  • Missing Persons: The party look into multiple disappearances.


  • None

Campaign 3 Intro 1:

Time: 1:44

Visual appearances:

  • Colonialism: Costumes based on late 19th century to early 20th century British explorer stories.
    Flashing Lights: Lanterns carried in dark scenes throughout, camera flash at 1:11, and fire effects at the end.
  • Fire: Fire effect on ending logo.

Sound effects:

  • Repetition and whispers: Opening starts with ghostly whispers repeating the same words over and over before the lyrics start.

Part 1:


  • Heights & Falling: Acrobats perform in a show. One of them falls and injure themselves.
  • Broken Bones: A character has a broken tailbone. It makes a sound as it is healed.

Sound effects:

  • Bone Crunch: A bone being healed back into place makes a crunching noise.
    Twitch: 0:50:47 to 0:50:50, YouTube: 0:35:51 to 0:35:56


Critical Role Shop Showcase

Critical Recap Ad

Fanart and Cosplay Submission Ad

Twitch Subscription Ad With President Gale

Time: 2:37


  • Insects: Bees are mentioned multiple times before they attack a person. We hear sounds of swarm buzzing and comical distress, and see a swarm, but no attack is directly shown.

Part 2:


  • Humanoid remains: Bones from victims of a creature are found.
  • Law enforcement: Guards respond to noise of an attack and question what happened.
  • Tooth removal: Teeth are removed from a dead creature.

Detailed descriptions:

  • Eye Injury: The killing blow to a creature's eye is described.

Sound effects:

  • Vomiting: Sound of a creature spitting acid.
    Twitch: 2:55:34 to 2:55:38, YouTube: 2:40:40 to 2:40:44