Campaign 3, E78
- Twitch: 2:58:48 to 3:00:58, YouTube: TBD
Recurring Themes:
- Regret: Characters express regret mixed with fear and anger over the effects of decisions.
- Interpersonal conflict: The party fights with each other both physically and emotionally throughout the episode.
- Negative self talk: Several scenes in which characters talk to themselves about not liking themselves due to the situation they've put themselves in.
- None
Campaign 3 Intro 3:
Time: 1:44
Visual appearances:
- Flashing lights: Magical effects, lightning, and fire throughout.
- Falling: A character tumbles from the sky. Another falls out a window and is badly injured. The party falls off an airship.
- Flash frame: A scene briefly flashes to a different image in contrasting colors for a frightening effect.
- Dead Animal: Pâté de Rolo is puppeted.
- Dead bodies: A cave of dead bodies with a red tint.
- Werewolf: Chetney transforms into a werewolf and fights.
- Blood: From a wound during a fight.
- Fire: Magical fire used in an attack. The Critical Role Logo lights on fire at the end.
- Body horror: Laudna uses Form of Dread to turn into a frightening tree creature.
Part 1:
- Violent anger: A character expresses their fear and anger by physically lashing out at the person they're angry at.
- Vomit: A character throws up.
- Vandalism: Characters smash a lot of windows.
Detailed descriptions:
- Pain: Description of a character feeling pain to the point of nausea.
- Self sacrifice: A character talks through the feelings that led them to making a dangerous choice.
- Death/suicidal thoughts: Two characters talk about having thoughts of death and dying in moments of high emotion.
That's Not A Hat
Time: 1:23
Visual appearances:
- Cat: A live cat plays with wrapping paper.
Fablemaker's Animated Tarot Set: Reincarnate Spread
Persona 5 Tactica
Time: 2:42
Visual appearances:
- Flashing lights: Video game footage with animated fire, spell effects and flash transitions. Red pulse from security cameras.
- Guns: Cartoon guns are used.
Wizkids Unpainted Minis Wave 5
Time: 0:30
Visual appearances:
- Body horror: A flesh construct with six arms, multiple half-formed, heads and tumorous growths.
Candela Obscura Core Rulebook
Time: 1:39
Visual appearances:
- Monsters: Illustrations and mentions of monsters.
Critical Role Shop Critmas 2023 Sale
Time: 2:20
Visual appearances:
- Flashing lights: Bright flash editing transition.
- Shaking/tilting camera movement
- Extreme face close up
- Distorted faces: Images with distorted Sam faces.
- Teeth: A pile of teeth as the background of a fake video cover.
Candela Obscura Core Rulebook
Critical Role Shop Showcase
Red Nose Day 2023
Candela Obscura Chapter 3 Trailer
Time: 1:30
Sound effects:
- Ticking clock: Drums mimic the sound of a clock ticking.
Candela Obscura Soundtrack
Midst Preview - Mockweep Tea
Welcome to Tal'Dorei Soundtrack Ad
Welcome to Wildemount Soundtrack Ad
Critical Recap Ad
Fanart and Cosplay Submission Ad
Critical Role Twitch Unboxing Ad
Time: 2:35
Visual appearances:
- Flashing Lights: Digital glitch effects.
Sound effects:
- Ghostly Whispers
- Crashing and Breaking
Part 2:
- Monstrous transformation: Chetney
- Unnatural animal: Fae rabbit creature with body horror elements.
- Mind magic: Memory modification.
- Drugs: Recreational drug use is suggested.